Scott Edwards "KayakBirder"
Ramblings and thoughts on this journey we call 'life'.
About Me

- Scott Edwards (kayakbirder)
- Brunswick, ME, United States
- Renaissance man in a state of flux, trying to absorb all the knowledge and wisdom I can while I immerse myself in the arms of Earth Mother as much as I can, and drawn to the sea always.
Friday, May 21, 2021
Lesser Getadamnfieldguide
Sunday, May 16, 2021
In Search of Ralph
It’s an early spring day, mid April, tax time is what most people think of. Me, I think of the waves of birds heading my way right now from points south of here. “Neo-Tropical Migrants” the scientists call them. Birds who spend their winters in Central and South America and do their breeding here in North America. One of my favorites of this group and also, usually, one of the earliest to arrive is the Gray Catbird. Now for those of you unfamiliar with Catbirds, they are not brightly plumed that grants birds like Orioles and Tanagers such affection. They are not even terribly original songsters, being a member of the Mimic Thrush family, relegated to repeating sounds they hear over and over again, with nary an original note. No, Catbirds hold a special place in my heart for a very special reason.
Many years ago, when I first opened the Wild Bird Center, I knew that inevitably, one warm day, when I had the door open, a bird was going to fly in. Now being in a shopping center, where the standard avian population is 99.9% Pigeon and House Sparrow, this is who I was expecting. It goes without saying that I was wrong. And, yes, the first bird through the door was a Catbird. He dutifully made the rounds landing on most every horizontal perch, bounced off the occasional wall and even left a berry stained brand on one wall to mark his visit. Then quick as he came, he was gone. No help from me, just headed straight back to the open door and was gone. Since that day, Catbirds have kind of been my Guardian Angels in the day to day life of my birding. On birdwalks during the spring the first bird sighted as we get out of the cars is a Catbird. He seems to follow us as we traverse the trails in search of other birds. Teasing with his flash of feathers and then disappearing into the brush, as we gather around the spot hoping to find some Warbler or Vireo. After his sense of humor is satisfied, he would pop up and all but stick his tongue out at us. The Catbirds have become such regulars, he even has a name. “Ralph, the Obligatory Birdwalk Catbird” or just plain Ralph. He has become the parrot on the shoulder of this binocular toting birding pirate. The Dr. Watson to my Sherlock Holmes. He fits with me like a good pair of hiking boots. Ralph is a part of my birding history.
And that’s why today I have thought of him. It’s mid April. It’s spring. The Goldfinch are turning bright yellow. The Robins are chasing each other around like a dog chasing his tail. Yellow-rumped warblers are turning up and the Carolina Wrens have built nests in most every nook and cranny you can imagine. Yes, it’s spring. But, no Ralph. One or two reports on the local bird sighting reports, but, not omnipresent as I have come to expect. I have had Catbirds raise their families in my yard, eat every bit of grape jelly I put out in hopes of coaxing an Oriole to come visit. Yet, so far this spring that call that I have grown so fond of has yet to grace my ears. I find myself listening harder, looking more intently, scrutinizing every shape and sound in hopes of finding Ralph. The days that have gone by eerily remind of Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring”, so quiet have the migrants, the real migrants, been so far this year. The good news is the House Wrens are back, bad news is the Chickadees didn’t get a brood in before these housing-hogging creatures arrived. The Flickers are in fine voice, their repetitious call of mating echoes through the woods around my house. Yet, still no Ralph. Still no Catbirds. Their arrival in my yard is late, so say my notes from last year. Pushing 10 days late now. I’m worried. For no matter how many singing Yellow Throated Warblers I see, regardless of the number of nestlings I wind up either replacing in their nests or rushing to the local rehabilitator, it’s not spring without the Catbirds in my yard. Although, a very handsome Chipping Sparrow has just landed inches from my feet, I take him as a herald…letting me know that migration is moving, and that Ralph’s arrival in my yard this spring is only days away. I know this in my mind, I am a student of the avian world. But without Catbirds, spring is still in the offing.
Postscript: The Catbirds have arrived, their raucous calling and incessant mewing have served to let me know, unequivocally that they have here. Grape jelly is being consumed in alarming quantities and oranges are being hollowed out consistently. And, in my eyes, spring has finally sprung, and things are the way they ought to be. Welcome, Ralph, it’s good to see you again.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Great Gear to Get: JETBOIL SUMO
However, I think those days are over, especially for me with my penchant for camping out of a kayak. Enter into my world the JetBoil line of stoves. Small, self contained, no fuel to spill and will heat a quart of water to full rolling boil before you can get your smartphone stop watch initialized.
First, let me say that I will be talking about the SUMO size of the JetBoil. Yet, despite it's name, denoting size and girth, still fits in a small dry bag along with a couple fuel canisters. Now, one of the initial "push backs" I got on this system is the empty canisters that one will have to pack out during your trip. Being a firm believer of "Leave no trace", I have no problem packing out what I carry in. In fact I think it's the only way one should camp. It helps you keep your outfitting efficient and keeps the camp site pristine for the next camper. The Sumo comes equipped with a large main 'pot', 3 cups/bowls, fuel mounting system with integrated sparking unit and flame control, folding stability legs to go on the fuel can that attaches to the base and lids for everything.
As I said earlier, everything fits easily into a small dry bag, making transport a breeze and leaving you plenty of room for the rest of your gear. Which if you are counting on your kayak to carry everything, every inch counts.
The construction is robust, I have no fears of anything breaking in transit and set up is simple and fast. Once assembled you are literally a couple of minutes from a steaming cup of a hot beverage, which can be a huge boost when paddling in less than balmy conditions. And, JetBoil fuel is available in a 'four seasons mix', making it even more ideal for year 'round excursions.
One of the things I like best about the Sumo is the fact that you have enough bowls/cups for not only yourself but another camper. Meaning, quite simply MORE ROOM in another boat for more food, water, gear, whatever will make your trip more enjoyable. For those of you who do camp out of kayaks you are well aware of how every inch is precious and can make the difference between bringing something and leaving it in the car.
Everything you see to the right came out of that one small dry bag. The parts stayed cool, the contents of the large pot stayed hot making it the ideal vessel for a one pot meal, soup, chili and the like. The JetBoil system has accessories enough to satisfy the most hardcore gear junkie (like me) including a "Crunch it" key to make the empty fuel canisters recyclable! A major plus for makes the fact there is no fuel to spill and even bigger plus for the JetBoil.
I have used a lot of different camp stoves in my life, from single burner multi-fuel models to large table top models for 'car camping' and by far and away the JetBoil is the most efficient, most compact and easy to use and transport cooking system I've encountered. I have had no difficulty finding an ample supply of the fuel and do plan ahead so I know I have enough for my trip then some. So, if you like your camp cooking as easy as it can get, I heartily recommend the JetBoil, especially for paddling. I am still wowed by how small it all packs down! Thank you, JetBoil!
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Eagles and Owls and Orioles, OH MY!

who were there. I set up my scope and let passers by take a gander at what may have been there first look at a Great Horned Owl.

Saturday, May 10, 2014
Elk River/Chesapeake Bay via Rogue's Harbor

I was thoroughly enjoying my paddle, the solitude, the water, my kayak and the occasional avian companion when one of the banes of my life now, and my paddling decided to rear it's ugly head. I get uncontrollable (and so far, undiagnosable) severe muscle cramps. Sometimes in my hands, which one doctor said was a form of 'Writer's Cramp' because my hands distort painfully when it hits. It can also hit in my legs, thighs and/or calves and wherever it occurs, it is really painful. I had planned on
paddling around Turkey Point and up to the beach on the bayside, having some lunch and paddling back. The cramp in my hand subsided, so I pushed on a bit further. But, then it started in my right leg! Discretion being the better part of valor, and the fact that I was paddling solo, I decided to turn around and take a leisurely paddle back to Rogue's Harbor. I've gotten pretty good at sucking up the cramps and just taking my time, so, I continued to enjoy the beauty of the day and the water as I headed back to the put in.
I've been told time and again that I am "pushing my luck" paddling alone with the muscle spasms....heck, paddling alone itself. But, I belong in my kayak.....I belong on the water. I take every precaution I can. Spot Personal tracker with emergency service, VHF radio, cell phone in dry bag, a chart so I know where I can take out in an emergency. I am not going to stop paddling.....I will not go quietly into that good night. All in all, it was a beautiful day and wonderful way to spend it.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Zen and the Art of Birdwatching
I’ve got a secret